WebSummarizer is a Web-based application specializing in automatic summarization of web pages, documents and plain text.
The application identifies the most important keywords and ranks them by relevancy. For each keyword the most significant sentences in the original text are presented to the reader. All the summaries are stored in the WebSummarizer knowledge base. Users can easily search the knowledge base by keywords and download the summaries.
One important component of WebSummarizer is WikiSummarizer. And of the important components of WikiSummarizer is the Wikipedia Knowledge base. The Wikipedia Knowledge base contains over 3 million summarized Wikipedia articles, indexed by 5 million keywords giving access to 28 millions of summaries. Quite a knowledge resource at your finger tips!
When a user enters the keyword in the Search field, the WikiSummarizer presents contextual summaries of the most relevant articles related to the keyword. The Search works as a back-of-the-book index. It contains references to all the keywords across all 3 million Wikipedia articles with pointers to all summaries ranked by relevancy.
The summaries can be downloaded to text editors, browsers as Visual Summary and host of mind mapping applications.
If for example you would like to learn what are the most significant Wikipedia articles and summaries relating to the "Wine" topic this is the result that WikiSummarizer Knowledge base is going produce:
If you would like to see the details of each of the summaries you can click here and use the MindManager player to play and explore the Wine mind map.
The above mind map of summaries was rendered using MindGenius mind mapping application. You can download the map here on the Biggerplate portal.
If you visit WikiSummarizer you can freely explore and experiment with the Wikipedia valuable knowledge library. And if you do it, please use the feedback form to share your suggestions.
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Wine Anthology - Top 50 Wikipedia articles summaries relating to the Wine topic |
If you would like to see the details of each of the summaries you can click here and use the MindManager player to play and explore the Wine mind map.
The above mind map of summaries was rendered using MindGenius mind mapping application. You can download the map here on the Biggerplate portal.
Why having knowledge library is essential for knowledge workers? The feedback from our users is that they have instant access to enormous brain power. Literally thousand and thousand knowledgeable editors created the content and with WikiSummarizer summarization and indexing engine contextual summaries are instantly available.
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